
We are active here

Projects on Borneo

Ein kleiner Orang-Utan sitzt auf dem Boden und isst eine Möhre.

Sanctuary in Pasir Panjang

The sanctuary near Tanjung Puting National Park looks after 300 animals. Partially severely traumatized orangutans find there a new home. With their conspecifics they are prepared for a life in freedom.

Seedlings in the reforestation station in Lamandau

Reforestation in Lamandau (Borneo)

20.100 trees for orangutans: A protected area of the size of Hamburg is one of the last retreats of orangutans and other species on Borneo. Through reforestation the diversity of the area is improved to provide the animals with better living conditions.

Projects on Sumatra

An orangutan climbing up a trunk.

Orangutan release site in Jantho (Sumatra)

In the Jantho Nature Reserve in the province of Aceh in the north of the island, the Sumatran orangutans, which are threatened with extinction, are being given a chance to return to freedom. The release requires an intense observation (“Monitoring”) to ensure the animals survival.

Drone picture of the Orangutan Haven on Sumatra, including the Orangutan Haven logo.

Orangutan Haven

We support the project “Orangutan Haven” of the organization SOCP, which is about the care of orangutans that for various reasons can no longer be released into the wild. In addition to enclosures for orangutans that cannot be released into the wild, an environmental education center is also planned there.

Environmental education

A group of elementary school children stand around a table with upturned cups which are used for a study.

Environmental education in Germany

At information desks people learn about the threat of the orangutans and how we can save them. Educational projects familiarize children in schools and kinder gardens with these topics in a playful way. In addition, we prepare teaching materials for download.

Umweltbildung in Indonesien

Environmental education in Indonesia

To sensitize the Indonesian people for orangutan protection and rain forest preservation we work together with the Indonesian nonprofit organisation Yayorin. In Environmental Education Centers, adults and children learn more about these complex issues.

Replace PalmOil

Replace Palmoil App

For the production of palm oil huge rain forest areas are cut down. With our Replace PalmOil-App you can Scan the bar code of products, that contain palm oil. Through that you can tell the manufacturer, that you would like him to use more sustainable manufactured plant oils.

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