
Aktuelles zur Thematik

Zeichen-Tricks – Der Gütezeichen-Guide für Lebensmittel (2021)

Kaufhilfe oder Greenwashing? Diese Frage ist für Kosumenten nicht immer einfach zu beantworten. Der Gütezeichen-Guide von Greenpeace schafft hier Abhilfe.

Deforestation of orangutan habitat feeds global palm oil demand, report shows (24.06.2021)

A major palm oil company supplying to global brands like Nestlé and PepsiCo continues to source the raw commodity from plantations responsible for deforesting prime orangutan habitat in Sumatra, according to a recent investigation.


World will fail unless climate and nature crises are tackled together, says major report (11.06.2021)

The world’s climate and nature crises cannot be solved unless they are tackled together, scientists have warned in a major report.

Lean times leave orangutans wasting away. Habitat loss makes things worse (31.05.2021)

Orangutans in Borneo have been found to physically waste away when fruit is scarce — a finding with dire implications as human-driven climate change and the destruction of their habitat put their food supply under even greater threat.

Orang-Utans: Junge Weibchen lernen anders als Männchen (27.05.2021)

Geschlechtsspezifisches Lernen bereitet Jungtiere auf ihre späteren Lebensumstände vor.

Dora – Ein Orang-Utan kehrt heim

Eine Netzdokumentation von Inga Sieg und Axel Warnsteadt.

Destruction: Certified (Report)

Certification is not a solution to deforestation, forest degradation and other ecosystem conversion. In this report, Greenpeace show how certification on its own has not helped companies meet their 2020 commitments to exclude deforestation from their supply chains.

Eine Minute vor zwölf – Wissenschaft und Artenschutz (26.02.2021)

Zur Preisverleihung des „Jugend forscht“ Regionalwettbewerbs für Nordwestsachsen am 26.2.2021 in Leipzig hielt unsere Vorsitzende Julia Cissewski einen Online-Vortrag zum Thema Wissenschaft und Artenschutz. Darin beschrieb sie die verheerende Situation der Orang-Utans und der Regenwälder in Indonesion und zeigte Möglichkeiten zu deren Schutz auf.

Indonesia’s top palm oil deforesters are the usual shady suspects: Report (11.02.2021)

Palm oil-driven deforestation is slowing down in Southeast Asia in 2020 but a handful of low-profile companies continue to drive the majority of the destruction, according to a new analysis.

Prosperity comes at 'devastating' cost to nature (02.02.2021)

A landmark review has called for transformational change in our economic approach to nature.

The long-awaited review by Prof Sir Partha Dasgupta, of the University of Cambridge, says prosperity has come at a „devastating“ cost to the natural world.

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