Aktuelles zur Thematik

Destruction: Certified (Report)

Certification is not a solution to deforestation, forest degradation and other ecosystem conversion. In this report, Greenpeace show how certification on its own has not helped companies meet their 2020 commitments to exclude deforestation from their supply chains.

Eine Minute vor zwölf – Wissenschaft und Artenschutz (26.02.2021)

Zur Preisverleihung des „Jugend forscht“ Regionalwettbewerbs für Nordwestsachsen am 26.2.2021 in Leipzig hielt unsere Vorsitzende Julia Cissewski einen Online-Vortrag zum Thema Wissenschaft und Artenschutz. Darin beschrieb sie die verheerende Situation der Orang-Utans und der Regenwälder in Indonesion und zeigte Möglichkeiten zu deren Schutz auf.

Indonesia’s top palm oil deforesters are the usual shady suspects: Report (11.02.2021)

Palm oil-driven deforestation is slowing down in Southeast Asia in 2020 but a handful of low-profile companies continue to drive the majority of the destruction, according to a new analysis.

Prosperity comes at 'devastating' cost to nature (02.02.2021)

A landmark review has called for transformational change in our economic approach to nature.

The long-awaited review by Prof Sir Partha Dasgupta, of the University of Cambridge, says prosperity has come at a „devastating“ cost to the natural world.

Deforestation spurred by road project creeps closer to Sumatra wildlife haven (14.01.2021)

An upgrade to a road that cuts through one of Southeast Asia’s last great swaths of intact rainforest is driving deeper encroachment by humans into blocks of forest that may spread into a national park.

Historical data point to ‘imminent extinction’ of Tapanuli orangutan (07.01.2021)

Onrizal Onrizal remembers hearing stories of human-like creatures living in the forest when he was growing up in Sungai Dareh, a town in western Sumatra, Indonesia. Legend had it that the creatures, called orang pendek, or “short people,” by the locals, disappeared from the forest in the 1970s.

Rape, abuses in palm oil fields linked to top beauty brands (19.11.2020)

With his hand clamped tightly over her mouth, she could not scream, the 16-year-old girl recalls – and no one was around to hear her anyway. She describes how her boss raped her amid the tall trees on an Indonesian palm oil plantation that feeds into some of the world’s best-known cosmetic brands. He then put an ax to her throat and warned her: Do not tell.

Palm oil giant Korindo accused again of illegally burning Papuan rainforest (12.11.2020)

Palm oil giant Korindo Group is alleged to have set fires to clear rainforest in Indonesia’s easternmost region of Papua, a practice that is banned by law.

The allegation was raised by Greenpeace International and Forensic Architecture, a research group based at the University of London, whose joint investigation found indications of deliberate burning by the Indonesian-South Korean joint venture.

If Europe wants to halt climate collapse, why is it watering down rules on palm oil? (16.10.2020)

It’s 12 December 2019 – just one day after the European Commission (EC) presented its Green Deal to the world. A small delegation of high-level lobbyists of the EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC) reports to the offices of European Commissioner Phil Hogan in Brussels. The Green Deal is a brand new political masterplan that should transform Europe into the first climate neutral economic bloc by 2050. The lobby delegation has travelled to Brussels from its home base in Singapore to demand an explanation. During the meeting with Hogan, the lobbyists express concerns about how difficult it is getting European dairy exported to Thailand, about new Indonesian legislation banning alcohol, and about high import tariffs on cars in the ten member states of the ASEAN economic community.

Less than half of world’s humid tropical forests have high ecological integrity: Study (22.09.2020)

Only a tiny fraction of the world’s most pristine tropical forests are protected from destruction, according to a recent study published in Nature Ecology and Evolution.

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